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Latest revision as of 16:11, 24 November 2010
Back to JGuiGen Demo
The demo pre-script
- ./rec.sh
- rm -rf ~vds/.java/
- cd ~vds/downloads
- rm -rf jguigen
- export JAVA_HOME=/opt/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2
- chmod 0755 ./runUtil.sh
- enter password
- cd ~vds/downloads
- If you have not checked out the code then:
- svn checkout https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jguigen/JGuiGen/trunk/ jguigen
- cd jguigen
- unzip JGuiGenMisc.zip
- time ./build.sh
- hide the panel
- xview JGuiGen_Screenshot.jpg & - Elegant CRUD
- maximize it
- rec -c 1 -d /dev/dsp -t wav -r 44100 - | lame -h - junk.mp3
- F8 start recording swf
Create the Lead table
- sh ./runUtil.sh DatabaseManager
- choose the type: "... Standalone"
- driver: JGuiGenDb
- Ok
- cut and paste new table "Lead"
- cut and paste the index
- discuss the table columns
- lead_ID integer identity
- lead_DATE timestamp
- lead_PHONE char(20)
- isremoved smallint - the deleted flag
- lastchangedby char(20) - for sanity and multi user functionality
- lastchangeddate timestamp default null - for validation and multi user functionality
- File -> Exit
Mark, Check, Describe, Generate, Build
- ./run.sh JGuiGen
- Starting in the Data Dictionary Menu
- Create
- Lead with nothing
- Lead with Telphone mask and Telephone req and reordering with date before telephone, change tooltip for telephone
- updating the info field for class, no icons in menu, changing the number of rows showed
- push the JUnit button
- Mark Tables
- choose Lead table
- check "Mark table to be processed"
- information about our leads
- Save
- Exit
- Check Data Dictionary
- Leave Flags
- Run Now
- Browse
- search for "Table: Lead"
- Edit Class Desc
- Select the Lead table
- change number of rows to 6 or 10
- mention coffee cup to my.gif
- Save
- Exit
- Edit Column Desc
- change laf to metal
- show primary key
- show defaults for lead_DATE
- select lead_PHONE
- component -> Telephone
- required field
- the phone number of our lead
- Save
- Exit
- Generate Application
- Model
- Order
- Create Java
- i18n - y for yes in english can become an S in Spanish for Si Senor
- All code generated by JGuiGen can run from within a jar, or as part of a Java Web Start application
- testcase generation
- pops up Lead gui
- saves a new lead
- close Lead gui
- relaunches Lead gui
- finds the row it add
- checks that the values selected are identical to those saved
- Mark Tables
- time ./build.sh
Running the Lead GUI
- ./run.sh com.halepringle.src.Lead
- Compile and run the new gui
- time ./build.sh
- ./run.sh com.halepringle.src.Lead &
- Read errors and messaged about add mode
- introduce the id, date, and phone
- show the phone tool tip
- note the red-dashed line around the required field
- Add a lead
- right click duplicate
- right click duplicate
- right click duplicate
- right click duplicate
- delete number 4
- add a different lead
- sort a column
- right click freq_cnt
- resize a column
- drag a colummn
- resize the Lead window
- Drag the Lead window
- close the window
- relaunch the window
- note the saved preferences
Adding a Column to the Lead table and GUI
- Spend some time on the "Column Edit Desc" screen. This is the most complicated part of JGuiGen
- Quickly adding a column, such as: ssn, phone, address, name of lead
- Perhaps a third add that goes into the Codes Bank screen. It would be nice to show filling a combo box or creating a radio button. We might set up a combobox for who the lead is for.
- Internationalization - I've got on my TODO list the task doing a menu to offer to change the locale. If we put a dozen or so spanish translations back in the I18n file (Even just the button names) this could be a very quick - change to Spanish - see screen change - change back to English
- Hot keys
- Accessibility - If we can find something that speaks as the cursor moves this would be neat. If you edit Lead.java down in the main() there is a boolean you can toggle for A11y. If it is set to true you get a second screen that shows what the mouse cursor is moving over.
- Change validation error message and Test
- blast the coffee cup
- run test scripts against the gui
- show test script output
- launch eclipse
- Edit JGuiGenIni.xml file and point to the MySQL database and have the demo continue to work
- Show the Add User Screen - Touch on getting access to database through LDAP which mean user ane and password to the database are encrypted on the local machine.
- I would love to generate a JGuiGen Screen without the scrolling table, find, etc. and take one of the JTree demos I have which shows a tree on the left and an edit screen on the right. Then we could create a demo where you click on a tree leaf and the JGuiGen Edit screen shows in the right panel. If we did the "Person Lead was for" combo box we could have a tree where the major break is the person, leaf nodes are the leads. Click on a lead in the tree and see the edit screen come up on the right. Again once it is created it would be a 15 second demo but it shows that JGuiGen can be used to create a simple edit screen without a lot of the "Full Application" bells and whistles.