Diary of The Valerie
From lightwiki
Hey if your reading this then if I can ask you nicely to GET OUT AT THIS MOMMYENT! Thank you IF YOU DID! I'M TALKING TO YOU! Well then looks like we cleared all the spots.Anyway as i waz saying. (Clears Throat) Dear Diary, My mommy and daddy were singing songs today like every day, but one thing not the same i did nanna chose one! i mean i always get to! cuz at least someone says: "Valerie pick!" But tis time No!And also have other things I was crying today but no one knows why! if i wat tho cry ten i cud! Ca Ca Ca! My bid bruder an mwa ha me a fit toda beuh we did oh me siste flute dat is all ime having if yo speak bebe ten look at me botum!
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